TLS was last updated
on March 27, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 03/26/2024)
Section - Middle States
Area - Delaware
League - Northern 55 & Over Summer
Flight - 8.0 Men
League Record: 8 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Dirk Heider - 4.44
Aaron Hutt - 4.23
Robert Cannon - 3.83
Tim McCarley - 3.70
Richard Brenner - 3.69
Edward Bouscaren - 3.66
Dave Stracke - 3.65
Thomas Donnelly - 3.57
Samuel Sneeringer - 3.51
Bill Richins - 3.46
Andrew Walck - 3.43
Michael Deming - 3.42
Ken Nunes - 3.40
Tim Oakes - 3.32
Brian Magargal - 3.32
John Cahill - 3.20
William Powell - n/a
Brian Sullivan - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Ken Nunes - 3.40 & Aaron Hutt - 4.23 1 - 0
Ken Nunes - 3.40 & Dirk Heider - 4.44 6 - 1
Robert Cannon - 3.83 & John Cahill - 3.20 0 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1
Robert Cannon - 3.83 & Tim Oakes - 3.32 0 - 1
Brian Magargal - 3.32 & Bill Richins - 3.46 0 - 1
Brian Magargal - 3.32 & Dave Stracke - 3.65 0 - 1
William Powell - n/a & Richard Brenner - 3.69 1 - 0
Tim McCarley - 3.70 & Dave Stracke - 3.65 1 - 0
Tim McCarley - 3.70 & Richard Brenner - 3.69 1 - 0
Thomas Donnelly - 3.57 & Edward Bouscaren - 3.66 1 - 0
Thomas Donnelly - 3.57 & Brian Sullivan - n/a 0 - 1
Thomas Donnelly - 3.57 & Richard Brenner - 3.69 1 - 0
Thomas Donnelly - 3.57 & Samuel Sneeringer - 3.51 0 - 1
Edward Bouscaren - 3.66 & Dave Stracke - 3.65 1 - 0 1 - 0
Brian Sullivan - n/a & Andrew Walck - 3.43 0 - 1
Richard Brenner - 3.69 & Andrew Walck - 3.43 0 - 1
Richard Brenner - 3.69 & Michael Deming - 3.42 0 - 1
Richard Brenner - 3.69 & Tim Oakes - 3.32 0 - 1
Aaron Hutt - 4.23 & John Cahill - 3.20 1 - 0
Samuel Sneeringer - 3.51 & Michael Deming - 3.42 1 - 1
Crazy Hazy
League Record: 8 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Chengfeng Lou - 4.01
Kenneth Laughlin - 3.97
Robert Loan - 3.89
Rich Buchanan - 3.81
William Bjorksten - 3.72
Bill Hopping - 3.65
Gary Pogue - 3.55
Louis Foppiano - 3.52
Anthony Boswell - 3.45
Derik Zhou - 3.37
Armando Gomez - 3.24
David Knight - 3.21
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
David Knight - 3.21 & Anthony Boswell - 3.45 1 - 0
David Knight - 3.21 & Gary Pogue - 3.55 1 - 0
David Knight - 3.21 & Chengfeng Lou - 4.01 2 - 1
Kenneth Laughlin - 3.97 & Anthony Boswell - 3.45 0 - 1 1 - 1
Kenneth Laughlin - 3.97 & Armando Gomez - 3.24 0 - 1
Rich Buchanan - 3.81 & Derik Zhou - 3.37 1 - 0
Rich Buchanan - 3.81 & Robert Loan - 3.89 1 - 0 0 - 1
Louis Foppiano - 3.52 & Gary Pogue - 3.55 0 - 1
Louis Foppiano - 3.52 & Robert Loan - 3.89 1 - 0
Derik Zhou - 3.37 & Gary Pogue - 3.55 1 - 0
Chengfeng Lou - 4.01 & Anthony Boswell - 3.45 0 - 1 1 - 0
Chengfeng Lou - 4.01 & Derik Zhou - 3.37 0 - 1
Chengfeng Lou - 4.01 & Armando Gomez - 3.24 1 - 0
Bill Hopping - 3.65 & Louis Foppiano - 3.52 2 - 0
Bill Hopping - 3.65 & Derik Zhou - 3.37 1 - 0
Bill Hopping - 3.65 & Gary Pogue - 3.55 1 - 0
Bill Hopping - 3.65 & William Bjorksten - 3.72 1 - 0 1 - 0
William Bjorksten - 3.72 & Rich Buchanan - 3.81 2 - 0
William Bjorksten - 3.72 & Louis Foppiano - 3.52 0 - 2
William Bjorksten - 3.72 & Robert Loan - 3.89 1 - 0 1 - 1
League Record: 6 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
David Dill - 3.83
David Gray - 3.79
Russell Chamberlin - 3.76
Sergei Leonov - 3.74
Tony House - 3.67
Steven Tolliver - 3.67
Steven Morris - 3.67
Don Houpt - 3.67
Barry Derr - 3.54
Larry Gainey - 3.50
Ian Diamond - 3.45
Kim Svendsen - 3.29
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
David Dill - 3.83 & Kim Svendsen - 3.29 1 - 2
Larry Gainey - 3.50 & Tony House - 3.67 0 - 1
Larry Gainey - 3.50 & Steven Tolliver - 3.67 0 - 1
Sergei Leonov - 3.74 & Don Houpt - 3.67 2 - 1
Ian Diamond - 3.45 & Barry Derr - 3.54 0 - 1
Tony House - 3.67 & Sergei Leonov - 3.74 0 - 1
Tony House - 3.67 & Don Houpt - 3.67 1 - 0
Tony House - 3.67 & Steven Morris - 3.67 0 - 1 3 - 0 1 - 1
Tony House - 3.67 & David Gray - 3.79 0 - 1
Kim Svendsen - 3.29 & David Gray - 3.79 0 - 1
Steven Tolliver - 3.67 & Barry Derr - 3.54 1 - 0 1 - 1
Russell Chamberlin - 3.76 & Sergei Leonov - 3.74 1 - 0
Russell Chamberlin - 3.76 & Don Houpt - 3.67 0 - 1
David Gray - 3.79 & Barry Derr - 3.54 3 - 1
David Gray - 3.79 & Don Houpt - 3.67 1 - 0 0 - 1
GCC 55 Over
League Record: 3 - 9
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Bruce Duff - 3.79
Joel Friedlander - 3.75
John Nicholson - 3.71
Roberto Gollmann - 3.65
Michael Rosen - 3.61
Robert Witt - 3.60
Robert Harrison - 3.60
Thomas Corrigan - 3.56
Ron Pinsky - 3.56
Paul Bosse - 3.48
Larry Drexler - 3.32
John Wolak - 3.30
Theodore Barnett - 3.28
Joel Fishman - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
John Nicholson - 3.71 & Robert Harrison - 3.60 0 - 1
John Nicholson - 3.71 & Bruce Duff - 3.79 3 - 3
John Nicholson - 3.71 & Thomas Corrigan - 3.56 0 - 1
Robert Witt - 3.60 & Theodore Barnett - 3.28 0 - 3
Robert Harrison - 3.60 & Paul Bosse - 3.48 1 - 0
Robert Harrison - 3.60 & Larry Drexler - 3.32 1 - 0
Robert Harrison - 3.60 & Roberto Gollmann - 3.65 0 - 1
Paul Bosse - 3.48 & Bruce Duff - 3.79 0 - 1
Paul Bosse - 3.48 & Joel Friedlander - 3.75 1 - 0
Paul Bosse - 3.48 & Thomas Corrigan - 3.56 0 - 2
Paul Bosse - 3.48 & Michael Rosen - 3.61 1 - 0
Bruce Duff - 3.79 & Joel Friedlander - 3.75 1 - 0
Ron Pinsky - 3.56 & Roberto Gollmann - 3.65 1 - 0
Thomas Corrigan - 3.56 & Joel Fishman - n/a 0 - 1
Thomas Corrigan - 3.56 & John Wolak - 3.30 0 - 1
Thomas Corrigan - 3.56 & Roberto Gollmann - 3.65 0 - 2
Joel Fishman - n/a & Roberto Gollmann - 3.65 0 - 1
Larry Drexler - 3.32 & Michael Rosen - 3.61 0 - 1
Roberto Gollmann - 3.65 & Michael Rosen - 3.61 2 - 3
Michael Rosen - 3.61 & Bruce Duff - 3.79 0 - 1 0 - 1
Fahey's Boys
League Record: 4 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Hungcheng Chen - 4.09
John Savon - 3.88
Charles Sublett - 3.73
Allen Koski - 3.72
Jerome Napson - 3.67
Michael Weidinger - 3.61
Marc Watson - 3.56
Charlie Wang - 3.51
Michael Debaecke - 3.49
Bill Stimson - 3.35
Vic Antes - 3.25
Eugene Beer - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Charlie Wang - 3.51 & Allen Koski - 3.72 1 - 0
Charlie Wang - 3.51 & Marc Watson - 3.56 0 - 1 3 - 3
Vic Antes - 3.25 & Michael Weidinger - 3.61 1 - 0
Vic Antes - 3.25 & Hungcheng Chen - 4.09 1 - 0
Vic Antes - 3.25 & Marc Watson - 3.56 0 - 1
Charles Sublett - 3.73 & Allen Koski - 3.72 2 - 1
Charles Sublett - 3.73 & Jerome Napson - 3.67 0 - 1
Charles Sublett - 3.73 & John Savon - 3.88 2 - 2
Charles Sublett - 3.73 & Eugene Beer - n/a 0 - 1
Allen Koski - 3.72 & Michael Weidinger - 3.61 0 - 1
Allen Koski - 3.72 & Michael Debaecke - 3.49 0 - 1
Jerome Napson - 3.67 & Michael Weidinger - 3.61 1 - 0 1 - 0
Jerome Napson - 3.67 & Marc Watson - 3.56 1 - 0
Eugene Beer - n/a & Michael Debaecke - 3.49 0 - 1
Michael Debaecke - 3.49 & Michael Weidinger - 3.61 1 - 0
Bill Stimson - 3.35 & Michael Weidinger - 3.61 0 - 3
League Record: 0 - 11
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
mike reckmeyer - 3.61
Thomas Dougherty - 3.55
Man Trikha - 3.55
Adam Landis - 3.52
Edward White Jr - 3.48
Edward Novak - 3.46
Norman Pernick - 3.45
Mark Collins - 3.43
Thomas Fairfield - 3.41
John Caldwell - 3.33
Edwin Dealy - 3.26
Andre Bouchard - 3.25
Fred Jacobs - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Thomas Dougherty - 3.55 & Andre Bouchard - 3.25 0 - 1 0 - 1
Thomas Dougherty - 3.55 & Edward White Jr - 3.48 0 - 1
Norman Pernick - 3.45 & Adam Landis - 3.52 1 - 0
Norman Pernick - 3.45 & Mark Collins - 3.43 0 - 1
Norman Pernick - 3.45 & Fred Jacobs - n/a 1 - 1
Edward Novak - 3.46 & Thomas Fairfield - 3.41 0 - 1
Edward Novak - 3.46 & John Caldwell - 3.33 0 - 1 0 - 1
Edward Novak - 3.46 & mike reckmeyer - 3.61 0 - 3
Edward Novak - 3.46 & Man Trikha - 3.55 0 - 1
Thomas Fairfield - 3.41 & Mark Collins - 3.43 0 - 1
Thomas Fairfield - 3.41 & Edward White Jr - 3.48 0 - 1 0 - 2
Thomas Fairfield - 3.41 & Man Trikha - 3.55 1 - 0
Thomas Fairfield - 3.41 & Edwin Dealy - 3.26 0 - 1
Adam Landis - 3.52 & John Caldwell - 3.33 0 - 1
Adam Landis - 3.52 & Mark Collins - 3.43 1 - 1
John Caldwell - 3.33 & Edward White Jr - 3.48 0 - 1
Andre Bouchard - 3.25 & Edward White Jr - 3.48 0 - 1
Man Trikha - 3.55 & Adam Landis - 3.52 0 - 2
Man Trikha - 3.55 & John Caldwell - 3.33 0 - 1
Man Trikha - 3.55 & Mark Collins - 3.43 0 - 1
Edwin Dealy - 3.26 & Andre Bouchard - 3.25 0 - 1
Edwin Dealy - 3.26 & Mark Collins - 3.43 0 - 1
League Record: 10 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kevin Conmy - 4.04
Al Vaccaro - 3.96
John Irwin - 3.90
Timothy Brasel - 3.89
Thomas Jeanson - 3.86
Jonathan Bennett - 3.83
Kenneth McGrath - 3.81
H David Mitchell - 3.67
Alberto Raffo - 3.60
Fred Bevans - 3.59
Robert Rickard - 3.38
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
John Irwin - 3.90 & Kevin Conmy - 4.04 6 - 0 1 - 0
John Irwin - 3.90 & Al Vaccaro - 3.96 1 - 0
H David Mitchell - 3.67 & Alberto Raffo - 3.60 0 - 1
H David Mitchell - 3.67 & Robert Rickard - 3.38 1 - 0
H David Mitchell - 3.67 & Jonathan Bennett - 3.83 1 - 0
H David Mitchell - 3.67 & Thomas Jeanson - 3.86 1 - 0
Fred Bevans - 3.59 & H David Mitchell - 3.67 1 - 0
Fred Bevans - 3.59 & Alberto Raffo - 3.60 1 - 0
Fred Bevans - 3.59 & Robert Rickard - 3.38 0 - 1
Fred Bevans - 3.59 & Kenneth McGrath - 3.81 0 - 1 1 - 0
Fred Bevans - 3.59 & Al Vaccaro - 3.96 1 - 0
Kevin Conmy - 4.04 & Jonathan Bennett - 3.83 2 - 0
Kevin Conmy - 4.04 & Timothy Brasel - 3.89 1 - 0
Jonathan Bennett - 3.83 & Al Vaccaro - 3.96 1 - 0
Jonathan Bennett - 3.83 & Thomas Jeanson - 3.86 1 - 1 4 - 0
Timothy Brasel - 3.89 & Al Vaccaro - 3.96 1 - 0 1 - 0
Al Vaccaro - 3.96 & Kenneth McGrath - 3.81 1 - 0
Al Vaccaro - 3.96 & Thomas Jeanson - 3.86 2 - 0